For travel agency, tour operator, inbound travel agency
Increase your sales of optional destination tours. A rested traveller is a relaxed traveler who wants to enjoy their stay!
Our services for business travelers
Offer access to the Gowwiz app to your employees and improve their Quality of Life at work.
Recovery 4 times faster. Jetlag effects minimized. Improved sleep.
Our mission
A relaxed traveller is a positive traveller!
1 month access
For occasional travellers:
For leisure travellers or employees leaving for a one-time event
The 1 month access to the application is for them!
Annual subscription
For regular travellers:
You accompany your customers on destinations? Your employees travel around the world all year round?
Gowwiz will be there!
Earn money without spending! Offer Gowwiz to your customers and be rewarded for their purchases.